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Transitional Housing
The Sue M Pridmore Center
The Pridmore Center is a transitional center in Brevard County. The Sue M Pridmore Center for Women and Children provides shelter, food, spiritual comfort and emotional support to homeless women, with or without children. To help those seeking to break free from chronic homelessness and unemployment, the Center offers a wide range of life-skills training to help its residents successfully transition into the local community and become productive, self-sufficient individuals.
Every day, families in the Melbourne area are facing disaster. It's not a hurricane that threatens their well-being, but a lost job, medical bills, and the high cost of living in our community. Sometimes these challenges overwhelm a family and they become homeless. Mothers with children are especially at risk as they face the challenges of juggling employment, childcare, and living expenses. Often the lack the education, support, and mentoring they need to overcome the adversities they face. When they become homeless, these families need more than a roof over their head; they need a support system to build upon.
For women without young children, the challenges they face are different; being displaced homemakers, widows or recently divorced with no prior work history, laid off from long term jobs only to find they are overqualified to find immediate employment in their career field, etc. Whatever their challenges are, they still require the same support system to overcome their situations and regain self-sufficiency. The Pridmore Center is the only transitional shelter in Brevard County that will intake a woman without children.
That is why The Salvation Army offers our transitional housing solution for women with or without children to help them break free from chronic homelessness and unemployment. The Sue M Pridmore Center for Women and Children is providing these women stability through shelter, self-sufficiency through life skills training and, more of all, personal transformation by helping them to overcome the challenges in their lives and turn their lives right side up.
Sue M Pridmore
The Center is a transitional shelter for women with or without children in Brevard County and is named in honor of Sue M Pridmore. Mrs. Pridmore was a life-long supporter of The Salvation Army and is desired to help alleviate homelessness in Brevard County. To that end, she and her husband endowed funding for the building of the Sue M Pridmore Center for Women & Children. The Salvation Army Melbourne, FL Corps will forever be grateful for their generous and unselfish giving.
Application and Eligibility
Application Process
Potential residents must complete a full pre-admission interview with center administration in order to be considered for placement. Applicants are asked to call to schedule an appointment *** 321-872-2225 ***
Consideration will be given to women meeting the criteria.
Residential Services
Support Services
Case Management
Residents will work collaboratively with in-house case managers throughout the duration of their stay for the purpose of establishing and implementing well-defined goals leading to self-sufficiency. Case managers will serve as counselors and resource persons, to our residents.
Career Development
Residents will receive one-on-one and group career development instruction, with an emphasis on promotion and growth. In addition, the center will partner with established community=based career developers to meet this need.
Housing Retention Education
Residents will work with case managers to devise a realistic and practical plan toward short- and long-term housing retention.
The center will make a number of self-improvement resources available in the forms of classes, workshops and mentoring. Areas of focus will include (but are not limited to):